Saturday, December 31, 2011

High Light 2011

31st December 2011
Rue Prevost Martin
Geneva Switzerland.
The last few moments of the year 2011. Nothing special I would say it’s an ordinary year nothing exciting not much remarkable incidents happened this year. The whole year I fought for publication and 27th December I have submitted my first research article. Lets cross the fingers to be accepted!
First quarter I presented my work in European Geoscience Union Vienna about my research.The city was really awesome!one of the cleanest cities in the world and very similar with Zurich and Geneva. It was great to be at EGU with thousand of people around the world. Perhaps its the single most important conference i have seen so far with huge number of people at a time!

Then flew for Toledo for SWAT conference, the model I am using for my PhD work. It was wonderful to meet with the developers and the core unit of the hydrological modeler’s. I talked many of them in person among them Jeff was really nice. Also I have seen Shrini first time in my life in person about whom I have heard a lot. Things were really wonderful in Toledo but the only disappointing thing was my presentation took at the very last session. I was kind of annoyed for this miss planning.

In September  again went to Zaragoza Spain but not that exciting as it was in Toledo. I made unnecessary arguments with the prominent scientists in hydrology from ETH-Zurich. Lesson learned from Zaragoza was by any situation I should be more professional and be on smiling face. While traveling Zaragoza I did not missed Barcelona and real Madrid stadium. One thing I must remember while traveling the underground subway I got a call from US embassy  Bern asking my passport  as the official procedure of getting VISA for US was finished and they are now looking forward to give me visa. Finally after waiting 14 month I got the US visa!!

Meet new people among Chetan was truly wonderful. His programming skill and devotion of knowledge was awesome. I was lucky to work with him for a while. I must admit the fact that I spend a lot time with facebook and blogs this year, don’t yet know was it good or bad. Two of my write up have selected for print media and I hope to see my printed book in national book fair 2012. Overall it was an average year nothing special!!
Only some experience of visiting Vienna-Bercelona-Madrid-Toledo-Zaragoza could be special for 2011.

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